Denmark Arts aims to be inclusive and representative of the community we live in. We welcome members of all ages from all walks of life and all cultural backgrounds. Members have an important role in helping to set and drive the creative programs and artistic vision of Denmark Arts and also play an important practical role in making sure the ArtsHouse is a welcoming and well-looked after community arts hub.
Six member-only events at the Artshouse each year
Access to the Artshouse lounge and guest Wi-Fi between 9am and 1pm Tuesday to Friday for creative work, collaborative discussions and meetings
Discounts on all tickets for public programs
Venue, gallery, accommodation and equipment hire
Eligible to apply for in-kind support
Eligible to be a presenting artist at Brave New Works Festival
Advertise your arts related event/workshop/class or services in our e-news and member communications
Have a voice in the activities and direction of Denmark Arts such as voting at the AGM and other key issues
Members Notice Group - communicate and advertise through our members-only Facebook page
Children aged under 11 that you are responsible for are automatically included in your adult membership
Ordinary Youth Members have a voice in the activities and direction of Denmark Arts (such as being part of the Youth Membership Committee, voting at the AGM or being a youth advisor to the Board of Governance)
Contributor Membership:
7 hours of your skills or labour per year
to support programs and activities
Cash Membership:
$250 per year
Cash and Contributor Membership:
$125 and 3.5 hours of your skills or labour per year
*existing Denmark Arts members only need to sign up as a new member when your current membership expires
Associate Membership for ages 12-14: Free
Ordinary Membership for ages 15-17: $25 per year
Free if willing to be part of a
Youth Membership Committee
Incorporated Not for Profits and community service organisations: $500 per year
Equivalent exchange of services to the same value
image: Andre Steyl by Nic Duncan
Honorary Life Memberships play an important role in honouring our Arts and Cultural Elders. Life Memberships are therefore conferred on individuals who are widely acknowledged to have made a significant and sustained contribution to the arts in Denmark over a minimum of ten years.
Nominations for life membership are invited from and voted for by members from time to time. A maximum of one Associate Life Membership will be conferred each year.
Andre Steyl was awarded Life Membership in late 2018, but official acknowledgment and awarding of Life membership did not happen due to COVID, so we will be formally awarding Andre with his life membership certificate at the September Member’s event.